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"With every passing year, the question is less 'could we' clone a  human rather than 'should we'. " (3)

What is Cloning 

What is Cloning 

The process of cloning refers to produce individuals of an organism (either naturally or artificially) genetically or identical. There are however different types of cloning. Some of them being reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning

Therapeutic cloning is the process of making multiple copies of a cell to treat a disease and reproductive cloning is the process of making a genetically identical copy of an organism. 

Lastly, in biotechnology cloning is referenced to the procedure of creating clones of organisms, copies of cells, or copies of DNA fragments. (4)

Cloning Fun  Facts...

As of last year (2018), 41,415 species were in the ICUN (International Union For Conservation of Nature) red list. This list is used to inform us of a number of animals that are in danger and need more assistance than others. This list also helps us receive the number of animals that are more endangered and threatened to extinction. Last year the number was 16,306This is something most scientists believe cloning could fix. Cloning could prevent many animals from becoming extinct and save the life of many. (5)


Cloning could not only be useful to the lives of animals but also to our own lives, the life of human beings. As of right now, there are 115,000 (and counting) people in the United States currently on the waiting list for an organ that could possibly save their life. Organ donations have always been a problem around the world. Our problem is that there are not too many organs donated to save the lives of others, this is because every 10 minutes, there is a new name added to the national transplant waiting list and every day 20 people die on a hopeful wait for them. Cloning animals so that their organs are applicable for our use could be a great benefit for all the people on the waiting list and would definitely lower the number of deaths. (6)   

Did you know there was a group of cloned polo horses?
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